Welcome to the "Poo Blog"

After "many-a-morning", looking in the toilet, i finally figured that i needed to share my perspective on the world... through poo!

Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010

Location: Home
Food eaten since last Poo: shish-kebab, cole slaw, potato salad

Lesson Learned: Seeing as this is my first post on "the poo blog", I figure I have to make this a relatively interesting post. The thing I learned most from this poo is that "good things come to those who wait". The lil' nug on the bottom of the photo came well after I thought I was done with the poo. Instead of giving up and having a messy wipe, i stuck with this lil guy till the end.

keep your head up, good things come to those who wait!